The relationship between Metaphysics and normative sciences according to al-Farabi and Hilary Putnam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Transcendental Wisdom, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophet's Descendants) Studies, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophet's Descendants) Studies, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophet's Descendants) Studies, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.



Al-Farabi and Putnam consider the destructive or generative influence of metaphysics in normative sciences, such as practical wisdom and jurisprudence in traditional sciences and ethics and economics in modern sciences, to be obvious, and they believe that not paying attention to this role leads to irreparable effects. For al-Farabi, this is a necessary and vital role in the form of the use of normative sciences from the knowledge that has been explained and proven in metaphysics, and therefore, removing metaphysics for al-Farabi means, removing some of the basics of those sciences, rejecting objectivity in values and the relativism. On the other hand, Putnam denies traditional metaphysics and seeks to remove it from normative sciences; Therefore, he introduces an alternative to the function that traditional metaphysics has had in normative sciences; This alternative is his special interpretation and narrative of the philosophy of pragmatism. In this narrative, Putnam considers pragmatism to be a kind of metaphysics, a metaphysics that has no boundaries and appears in the role of pathology and correction of other philosophies; Naturally, on this new basis, Putnam presents another picture of normative sciences and criteria of objectivity and relativism. The method used in this research is logical-philosophical analysis, including conceptual analysis, propositional analysis, systemic analysis, with a comparative approach to the opinions of two philosophers, in order to contrast the opinions, explain and discuss those two thoughts.


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