Talbis theory in the intellectual system of Shankre Charieh and Rozbahan Baghli Shirazi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of religion and mysticism Azarbaijan Shahid Madani university

2 Department of Religions and Mysticism, University of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani, Tabriz



In the intellectual system of Shankara Charieh, the theory of Talbis is one of the most important theories, the comparative analysis of which shows the similarity of the theological and cosmological ideas of these two sages in two different intellectual traditions. In Shankara Chariyeh's intellectual system, Talbis is Maya, which is the creative power of Brahman, which depicts the relationship between the world of intuition and absolute existence. In Shankaracharya's thought system, it is Brahman who creates the world and the multitudes in it through the power of Talbis. In the intellectual system of Rozbahan Baghli, the theory of Talbis is one of the most fundamental components of understanding the Sufi tradition and his intellectual tradition, which is used to explain the relationship between the world of intuition and the ultimate cause of the universe. In Rozbahan's thought, God manifests in the tangible world through his attributes in the form of verses. In Rozbahan's system of thought, the tangible world is the place of the manifestation of the Almighty. Both sages have benefited from the theory of Talbis to explain the relationship between the world of intuition and absolute existence, and they believe that the distinguishing feature of Talbis is ambiguity and covering, illusion and cosmic deception. Therefore, it is God who manifests himself in the world of intuitions through Talbis. One of the differences between these two sages is that God's motivation is different when he manifests and appears. Brahman creates the world out of play and fun, but God of Rozbahan creates the world out of love. The findings of the research show that in the intellectual system of both sages, Talbis theory plays a fundamental role in explaining the matter of creation and understanding the facts of cosmology.
