The Comparative investigation of the scope of "body" in modern physics with an explanation of the "ontological specialties" in the transcendental wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology,. Theology faculty. University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor Department of Physics University of Qom



The aim of the present research is to explore the scope of "body," which delineates the boundary between the physical and non-physical realms. This exploration is conducted through a descriptive-analytical approach in modern physics and transcendental philosophy. In modern physics, this scope is recognized through the concept of the "quantum field" at the microscopic scale, characterized by features such as "mobility", "non-locality", "indeterminacy ", and "integrity". Its extension at the macroscopic scale is calculated through the concept of the "gravitational field" to infinity. The idea of the present research is to analyze these findings based on the concept of "ontological specialties," which appears to be a model in metaphysics. Ontological specialties imply that the unified truth can be approached through three different perspectives: the first specialty based on the unity of existence, the second specialty based on the division of existence, and the third specialty based on essence. By relying on each specialty, a different scope of the body manifests in philosophical inquiry. In their comparison, it becomes evident that the expression of modern physics regarding the scope of body aligns with the third specialty of existence in transcendental wisdom, and both introduce the body as boundless. However, the issue is that such a scope cannot be indicative of concepts such as causality, which have always been subjects of debate in both science and philosophy, as the understanding of these concepts lies within the scope aligned with the second specialty of existence. It seems that a comprehensive understanding of the scope of body, considering its existential and essential dimensions, is achieved by paying attention to all three specialties.


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