A case study of dual analysis of epistemological issues Based on the distinction between early and late Avicenna

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master Graduated from Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran.


Studying the progress of epistemology in Islamic philosophy shows that although the issues of epistemology have not been discussed separately and seriously and are usually implicitly discussed under the headings related to ontology, at the same time there are materials that It can be a solution to the problems in epistemology. In such an intellectual environment, the research problem is clearly how to show the epistemological approach in Ibn Sina's philosophy by investigating and extracting some epistemological issues through case studies. Of course, Ibn Sina's ontological views cast a shadow on his epistemological topics such as science, abstractions, imagination, etc.; But considering that the foundations of epistemology in Islamic philosophy are based on the three foundations of sense, reason, or intuition, we can refer to the epistemological system of Islamic philosophers in general, and Hikmat Masha in particular (mainly based on reason and reasoning) and Hikmat. Sinoy realized in particular (based on reason and reasoning with the element of intuition). The importance of the research problem is in the conditions that the history of philosophy is a connected whole, and showing this connection reveals various and sometimes invisible angles of the thinking of philosophers, especially Avicenna and his followers. In fact, based on the detailed analysis of Avicenna's epistemological issues, the current research unveils another Avicenna.


Main Subjects

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.30473/pms.2019.41476.1625  

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