From earth to heaven the erea of the education system of human soul from Mulla Sadra point of view

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university teacher

2 null

3 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


From the distant past, human and recognition of his aspects has been considered by thinkers in the field of religion, philosophy, this study is about to find out that regarding the inclusion of Sadraee wisdom on all different aspects of existence and human and according to Mullasadra’s unique points of view, how a philosophical and intellectual basis can be formed in order to educate and bring up the human’s entity? Therefore, through theoretical and library study and by investigating the creativity principles of Mullasadra in philosophy, an effort has been made to answer this question. From his point of view, the existence is original but human one is different from other creatures. Based on the process of the substantive progress, the soul appears gradually in context of the body and achieves higher ranks of independency. The reality of every human is built by the light of educational system and not all the mankind has the same identity. According to the consequences of this research, by considering the quality of education and excellence of human soul, Mullasadra specifically explains not only the high position of human in universe, but also the impact of educational programs on reaching proper grades of humanity. Mullasadra believes human has authority and values are absolute he offers a dynamic education for the soul. In an educational system, based on Mullasadra's insight, the great goal is to promote human rank to caliph of Allah. the result that on the Mullasadra's anthropology, educational programs are effective and efficient


Main Subjects

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