The Standpoint of the Theory of Ideas in the System of Transcendental Theosophy

Document Type : Research Paper



Amongst the Muslim theosophers, Mulla Sadra unprecedentedly put a lot of efforts into the theory of ideas and the doctrine of masters of species. The discussions on the theory of ideas according to the transcendental theosophy could be divided into three main parts: first, responding to the criticisms suggested by the other philosophers; second, representing five arguments in favor of the doctrine of masters of species; third, discussing the standpoint of the theory in the transcendental theosophy in which one can point to such issues as intelligible existence, ontological fundamentality of the ideas and the relativity of the material world, identity of subject and object, identity of the soul and the master of specie, universality of the ideas, material individuals and the archetypes.


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۱۴. الدوانی، ملا جلال‌الدین، (۱۴۱۱)، شواکل الحور فی شرح هیاکل النور، سیداحمد تویسرکانی، مشهد: بنیاد پژوهش‌های اسلامی آستان قدس رضوی.
۱۵. میرداماد، (۱۳۶۷)، القبسات، مهدی محقق، تهران: دانشگاه تهران.