A comparative study of the theological views of the two schools of Qom and Baghdad regarding the equipping of the Infallible Imam (Case study: Equipping Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD graduate in Shiite History, University of Isfahan

2 Postdoctoral researcher, University of Isfahan


Equipping the deceased Imam Masoom by the surviving Imam is one of the topics that has been considered in Shiite theological and jurisprudential thought. In this article, a descriptive-analytical method compares the beliefs of the two schools of Qom and Baghdad in this regard. Examining the approach and perspective of the two schools of Qom and Baghdad, it becomes clear that the school of Qom, by adhering to the narrations, recognizes the equipping of the deceased by the next infallible as a definite, unchangeable, trans-temporal and trans-spatial rule. While the theological jurists of the Baghdad school, unlike the hadith jurists of the Qom school, not only place the narrations regarding the equipping of the infallibles in the realm of individual news; Rather, they do not accept the certainty and immutability of this issue as an indisputable theological and jurisprudential rule.
The Baghdad school, while accepting the priority of equipping the infallible with the next infallible, has not elevated it to a degree of certainty so that if there are obstacles and restrictions for the living Imam in equipping the deceased Imam, he will remain committed and devout. Know this rule. The school of theologians and scholars does not believe in equipping Imam Hussein, Imam Kazem and Imam Reza with the next infallible. It is also understood from historical reports that Imam Kazem was in charge of equipping one of his friends.


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