Clarification about the concept of life and its role on the meaning of life with an emphasize on Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin's perspectives

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Tehran University

2 Associate Professor of Tehran University

3 Prof. of Tehran University


The answer to the question of "what is the meaning of life?", which is asked many times by all human beings during their lives, would play a fundamental role in their life styles. It requires a good understanding of human nature and their lives to properly answer to this fundamental question. Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin considers a human as a composition (unitive union) of both soul and a physical body. He adopts the life within three meanings, i.e., general, specific, and more specific. The fundamental distinction between humans and other creatures lies within the "more specific" life which is based on the human characteristics such as intellect and will. The soul is continuing its life during the completion motion within the three states of this, the intermediate (isthmus), and the other world. The death results in a discontinuation of relation between the soul and the body but does not lead to a destruction of the soul itself. Therefore, the soul will be transferred to another world and will continue its life. Concludingly, any theory given about the "meaning of life" that does not consider the reality about the human nature will be incomplete and incomprehensive, and would not satisfy the human thirst for knowledge.


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