Comparative approach to reading the text from the perspective of Schleiermacher and Seyed Morteza

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Bu Ali Sina University in Hamedan, Iran


Reading the text and its interpretation, especially in dealing with sacred religious texts, has led to the emergence of different approaches. These approaches in the Western tradition are the same hermeneutical approaches that, in a classical and modern category, are based on the possibility of discovering the intent of the gem and the original intention of the author and the owner of the text or its denial. Schleiermacher, as the founder of classical hermeneutics, finds that the discovery of the meaning of a gemstone and the original author's intention in a dialectical circle that occurs between the text and the subjective world of the owner of the text can be realized and realized on the basis of technical and psychological understanding that it can even provide A better understanding of the author himself. On the other hand, Seyyed Morteza, as the founder of rational interpretation in Shi'a, is based on his verbal foundations such as belief in monotheism, revelation, duty and divine grace, and based on rational goodness and reason, on the existence of a gem's meaning in the text and its discovery with The use of rational and literary methods is emphasized. Of course, despite the validity of the interpretation, it can not be emphasized that it is correct, except by explicitly expressing God in the most enlightening ways.


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