A Comparative Study of Heraclitus’ and Mulla Sadra’s Views on the Substantial Movement of Natur

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the issues which have always been controversial in the history of philosophy is the essential movement in nature or in a more general term nature’s change and becoming. In the history of philosophy, philosophers have been always undecided between the idea of change and the idea of stability. Some have entirely denied the reality of movement and considered the obvious changes and revolutions as the unreal constructions generated by mind. Some others, however, have talked about movement and change as an undeniable truth and set it as the foundation of their philosophical system. Heraclitus is the first Greek philosopher who has denied immovability and spoken about the permanent change and movement of natural objects. Among the Muslim philosophers it is Mulla Sadra that more than all others has discussed the substantial movement of objects and considered it as one of the most important principles of his transcendental theosophy. Heraclitus elucidates change and becoming in nature based on four important principles of his philosophy namely logos, change, opposition and unity within multiplicity. He views change as the fundamental, general and influential principle in nature. Mulla Sadra also basing on important principles of his philosophy such as priority of being and gradation of being has deemed movement as an analytical accident of being, and proved that the motional aspect of objects could not be separated from their ontological aspect. This article, after analyzing Heraclitus’ thoughts and comparing them with those of Mulla Sadra, concludes that despite the obvious differences which exist between the worldviews of these two philosophers, it is possible to give an interpretation which reveals similarity of their ideas about the substantial movement in nature.


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