The Role of Higher Knowledge in Attaining Salvation from Upanishads' Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper



In this paper, firstly we will have a brief report of characteristics and the content of Upanishads to answer main questions concerning the nature of knowledge and its fundamental role in salvation. So we will divide this paper into three parts. In the first part we will have a review of the great period of wisdom in India. In the second part we will have a brief review of the great period of wisdom in India. In the second part we will discuss the history of writing and contents of Upanishads. We will show that these contents are the product of revelation and unveiling rather than reasoning and argument. In the third part we will show that according to Upanishads, knowledge of Atman is fundamental for salvation. We should distinguish between two kinds of knowledge: 1- the higher level knowledge (para jnana), 2- the lower level knowledge (Apara jnana). The lower level knowledge is a learned knowledge which deals with mortal things and pleasures and so it lacks important role in salvation.
The higher level knowledge is the fundamental part of the knowledge of Atman. In attaining this knowledge we must purify our hearts from selfish desires, because freedom of these desires guides us to salvation. In Upanishads, reaching Moksha is a kind of epistemological revolution.  


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